Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A picture is worth a thousand words

So, I started a flickr account...upon the insistance of my lovely sister, so that I could have all my pics in one easily accesible place. But really, she should get paid for all the word of mouth business she gives them...and anything else she likes. But that's Nila for ya, if she's happy with something, she wants everyone to be just as happy with it. Gawd love her.

But I digress. I posted some pics to my flickr account and have set them for public view. This pic right here,


has received 41 viewings last time I checked...and I just put together this account about 2 days ago. But it's just this pic that's been viewed so many times! Not the ones of me and Gina in a bathtub...or the ones of me, Gina and Andy in the bathtub...boobs and, the one where it looks like I'm peeing on the beach! Go figure. I guess there are more people out there for laughs than there are pervs. Good thing.

But really, I'm having fun with the whole thing. Nila keeps bringing me deeper and deeper into the whole blahgging world. Beyond myspace. Vortex isn't the right word, but it's the first that comes to mind.

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