Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hells yeah

I'm baaaaaack! In school that is. Hooray for me. Relieved isn't the correct term, but it's the first that comes to mind.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Mrs. Jared Leto

That's right folks, I am now officially married to Jared Leto. I went to the taste of chaos show last night, where the famed "Jordan Catalano" met his eyes with mine, immediately fell in love and whisked me away to get hitched. It was amazing.

And then I opened my eyes and realized that I was actually in the middle of my worst nightmare whereas I was surrounded by pimply, hormonal teenage boys who wear more eyeliner than me and pants that would fit the princess and girls who were dressed so badly, it was entertaining.

But oh how I wish I could actually, in fact, marry Jared Leto. I have been "in love" with him since the days of My So Called Life. And, I was thisclose to touching him. In the middle of one of the songs he ran out into the stands where kids were grabbing at him while his bodyguard was trying to keep up, but the gaggles of screaming teens was hard to get through. He ran down to the floor, where we were standing, and I was going to just stand there, like the cool kid I am, and not go crazy, but how many chance are you THAT close to someone so freakin' hot and yummy. So I hurriedly mmade my way to where he was standing and shoved the annoying teenagers aside so that I may at least touch him. But alas, there were way too many damn people in the way. But I was close, oh so close.

All in all though, it was a real good show. We only got to see The Used and 30 Seconds to Mars, but it was well worth it. I don't listen to either band, but seeing them live, I think I'm going to have to start.

Delusional isn't the right term, but it's the first that comes to mind.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The waiting game with Alex Trebec

I'm still waiting to hear back from the director to see if I'm going to be allowed back into school. I don't see why I wouldn't be. The director knows that I'm a good student and that (not to brag) am good at what I far. So why the hold up? It's making me very nervous. And I hate that. I was hoping I would've been called by today, and...nothing. I guess I'll just have to keep waiting and hoping.

So, I've been hanging out with the new "bf" (it's still not labeled, so we'll bunny ears the bf part) a lot lately. Still. He's a lot of fun and I have a huge crush on him. The best part? He likes me back. I was trying to explain to him yesterday how most guys, even if they like me, don't really consider me a girl for them to date. I'm pretty much only good for one thing. Not to say I mind all that much, really, but it does suck sometimes. So I'm pretty amazed that this one actually calls me and I'm not doing all the chasing. Yay for me.

I've had a lazy day today. Doing nothing but watching last season's America's Next Top Model...hooray for marathons.

Today's weather forecast is clouded with a chance of drunkenness.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dream weaver

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Sunday morning while the wife was perusing through < alt="Postsecret"> she asked me (jokingly) if I had sent in the above post card. If only. I think that would be pretty amazing. Truth is, the twins get me nothing, really. Sometimes drinks, but that rarely ever happens. Meh

I'm extremely irritated today. I got terminated from school today. It's really not that big a deal, all I have to do is write a letter of appeal and take it to the director tomorrow and I'll be back in by Friday. Hopefully. But still. It's like in high school when I got suspended for one whole day...and it was a half day...and I cried. Granted I ditched all the time, never went to detentions and was completely stoned all the time. But yet I cried anyway. I had never been suspended. So now, I didn't cry, but it still pretty much sucked. I'm on the honor roll and in student council. Ya, I'm a geek, what of it.

So leaving school, the biggest assholes were on the road. Road rage IS the right phrase and it's the first that comes to mind.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ryan started the fire

I just spent the last 8 hours watching the Office. It's my new favorite show. Last Sunday was pretty much spent the same way. Weird.

So the new boy...I've hung out with him pretty much almost every day this week. Amazing is all I can really say about that. He gets along good (so far) with all my friends and most importantly, the bests. Especially the wife.

So we had the "where is this going" conversation...maybe just a little too early...but so far we've decided it's going to be what it is and not "labeled". Sounds good to me. Though I'm still not really too sure about the whole sleeping with other people thing. I think I'll put my retainers on the back burner anyway, just to be on the safe side. After all, that's what retainers are for.

So that's that. Live and let live isn't the right phrase, but it's the first that comes to mind.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

There are no words

Yesterday I cut a "lady mullett". True story. And it's what she wanted...on purpose! It was amazing. Speechless isn't the right term, but it's the first that comes to mind.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Move along

Life is weird. I know I say this every 5 blahgs or so, but it's true. Sometimes I think God, if there really is one, just randomly throws shit your way to see how you'll handle it...but just for fun on His part. Hell, if I got to look down on people all day you better believe I'd be up there laughing my ass off and basically just amusing myself.

With that said, I met a boy this weekend. Saturday night to be exact...Saturday night when I was supposed to be at the derby game that I COMPLETELY forgot about. But I guess it was a good thing. So, chatted up the new boy, I guess I shouldn't really call him boy since he's a little older than me but whatever, totally got his digits and he got mine, and went our seperate ways. The wife and I had to make our way to Caseys. So being that sometimes I'm a drunk retard, I texted the new boy at about 3am. Although I didn't say anything embarassing, so that's a good thing.

I wasn't really expecting him to call me...or to call me at all really. Boys are retarded like that sometimes. But he called. The VERY. Next. Day. Big surprise on my part. So I waited a couple of hours because, of course, I was nervous to return his call. So finally I called, got his voicemail and left a message...I also said the word 'later' about 50 times. But then he called back and we made plans to go out.

We went out last night. Pretty good times. He's cool. Actually likes the same kind of music I do which is hardcore old skool punk otherwise known as shit, according to the wife. But a lot in common. Funny. Cute. Former tattoo artist. Artist. Tall. Heavily tattooed. Just to name a few of the things I like about him. There were a few little surprises thrown in there that I wasn't expecting, but nothing too bad. I just gotta roll with the punches and see what happens.

One thing's for sure, I am not, I repeat, NOT going to jump into a relationship with him, or anyone, as fast as I did my last one. I've learned my lesson and experienced that you can't rush things...especially when it comes to people that may or may not become a running role in your life.

All in all I had a good weekend. A little bumpy, but good nonetheless.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

More of the excitement

I'm oh so tired. I went to Jupes last night. I was only gonna stay until about midnight. At last call, I was barely finishing up my beer.

School was busy today. Clients up the ass. The princess made a cameo and entertained all the girls with her awesome dance moves. She even danced off with the instructor. It was amazing.

Going to a party at the Murrays soon. I kind of want to go to sleep. But as the wife put it, the seven year old in me keeps thinking, "What if I miss something?!" Yeah, I know, call me immature.

Smiles. Laughter. Beer. Boys. Beer. Sounds like my kind of night. Anxious isn't the right word, but it's the first that comes to mind.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Fade into the wall

Today was a rough day. And by rough, I mean absofuckenlutely boring. Our instructor wasn't there, so we got shoved upstairs to sit around and apply, apply, apply cholestoral on our heads (read: mannequin). And it sucked. So I left early. No appointments and a bad sinus headache make Mal a grumpy girl.

In lieu of sitting around school with my thumb up my ass, I took a field trip to the mall *gasp* to look for a new job. Ugh, I wish I could be done with school already so that I wouldn't have to find some minial, minimum wage paying, I'm totally older than everyone else job. But I digress. I went to forever 21 and Hot Topic. Both illustrious in thier own right, I know, but I need a job and I'm desperate. As I was walikng into the consumerism conglommerate, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a man and a woman. Both with huge, fake smiles superglued to their pale, zombielike faces. I knew what they wanted. I could see the look in their soulless, blank stares. But there was no way for me to escape. So I tried to blend into the Forever 21 windowed wall. I slid across it, walking sideways. But it didn't work. They spotted me. Started walking towards me. I tried to avoid eye contact. But then it happened. The man started talking to me. Words spilling out so fast, all I could make out was "survey...$15.00...quick". I shook my head and said no thanks and sped walked out of there as fast as I could.

In case you didn't notice, I hate those people. Right up there with Kelly Clarkson's 'Since you've been gone'. And for those of you who know me well, that's a hatred that's pretty deep. And I mean with a fiery passion.

So the applications are dropped off and now all I have to do is wait. I don't like waiting. Guess I should have thought of that before...well, just before.

Ok, I'm done. It's hard for me to concentrate. I've decided I've pretty much become like a the thinking about sex every 2 seconds way, not in the growing a penis way. Five weeks and counting. Another thing clouding my concentration are, not surprising at all, boys. Well, I guess that goes hand in hand with the whole thinking about sex all day. Why is it that girls have to overthink, analyze and obsess over everything having to do with boys while THEY get to just sit around scratching their balls obsessing over what they'll eat next. Oh, to have it easy. But I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

Bombarded isn't the right term, but it's the first that comes to mind.