Monday, October 01, 2007

Never judge a book by its cover

Raising kids these days is real hard. I'm not gonna lie. Especially considering the fact that kids are doing things earlier and earlier than ever before. I know, besides my short-comings, I am a fully capable young mother. But honestly, I don't like kids. I like my kids. I like the wife's kid. I even like my nephews (sometimes one more than the other). Kids in general, however, not really my thing. The other day I mentioned to my sister how I hated kids. She said I was mean. I laughed and told her that, OBVIOUSLY, I liked our kids, but other kids, just bug the shit out of me.

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One thing is for sure though. My kids are two of the smartest and well behaved children. I'm not just saying that because they're mine. One night the wife and I took the brood out the Chuck E. Cheese's. Normally we get stared at...tattoos, piercings, studded belts. We're used to it. Although this night was particularly irritating because the looks were judgemental, at best. Most people think that since we're young and "alternative" looking, we can't possibly be good parents. Our kids were the best behaved ones there. Kids running wild, ripping shit up, knocking shit down, screaming, breaking shit...granted we were at a kids restaurant, but I believe that there is a certain decorum that even the little ones can follow while out in public. My kiddos have a very structured life. Yes, sometimes (read: a lot of the time) things get crazy or I get lazy, but for the most part, homework at the same time every night, the same bed time for sure and baths every other night. Blah, blah, blah. You get the idea.

I'm used to getting dirty, curious and straight up confused looks. But the looks that really grind my gears are the ones when I'm out with my kids. Yes, I not only look too young to have a 10 AND a 6 year old, I also have numerous tattoos and piercings, but that does not mean I don't know how to take care of my mini-me's. Chances are my kids are smarter, cooler, funnier, radder, more well behaved and tougher than your kids. So there. Discrimination isn't the right personality flaw, but its the first that comes to mind.

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