Saturday, July 29, 2006

I know, I know, I'm a commodity

I've gone through my blahging withdrawals quite well. At least the shaking has stopped. So I thought I'd drop by for a quick know, for just a small fix. It should tide me over for at least a couple of days.

Just a qiuck update, my daddy came into town this weekend and I got to see him and my stepmom for a little bit this morning. It was nice. And he still looks exactly the same...just a little older. But now they're back on their way to El Paso, my home town.

My mom's doing better. Hobbling around with her walker, right foot laden with a purple cast. Since she can't drive though, guess who gets to be her chauffer. Me. It's not too bad though, as much as I bitch about it. The thing that does suck though is sitting in waiting rooms for hours at a time. That's mos def no fun. But we'll get through it. Just another hurdle to jump over.

Hmmmm, what else. I know I'm missing some stuff, but it's really stuff that needs to blahgged about all alone. You know me, I can go on and on and on and on and...well, you get the picture.

So off I go to do...whatever it is I do now. Ahh, this fix was a good one. Junkie isn't the right word, but it's the first that comes to mind.

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