Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Trials, tribulations and hangovers

Hello, my name is Mal and I am an alcoholic. Or at least I was last night. It was the wife's birthday, so of course i had to go out with her. My plan was to have only a couple of beers and go home and to bed early since i had to work today at eight. That plan pretty much went out the window after my first shot. About eight shots and 5 beers later, I was pretty much gone. I stayed so late that Clint had to see if I was ready to go...that rarely happens. So, all in all i'd have to say it was good night. But then, the evil sun had to rise and i had to get out of bed to go to hell...otherwise known as work. i'm pretty sure I was still drunk as I was driving to pick up the princess this morning. Not to mention that I was late. Again. Man, I haven't done that in a while. So now I sit here wanting to go back to bed, craving something huge and greasy, completely bored. Eh, what can you do.
I called my mom this morning to see how she was doing...apparently they had to take my uncle to the emergency room last night and they're still there. I don't know the full details yet, but I hope he's allright. This is really hard on my mom. And my grandma, well, she's pretty confused on the whole situation. Her alzheimers seems to be getting worse. So when I say I have the memory of an 80 year old with alzheimer's, it pretty much puts a stamp on my trip to hell. I should stop saying that. heh. Highway to hell isn't the right song, but it's the first that comes to mind.

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