Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The way it goes

Lately I've been in somewhat of a feisty, savage sort of mood. Saturday, as per usual, we were sitting at Casey's. Generally I just sit and make fun of people and their stupidity and/or their stupid outfits. But this time, I was in the mood to fight...sort of. I'm pretty much too old for starting fights, but its not to say I won't finish one. One girl in particular was getting on my nerves. Not because I could hear her acenine stories. Or because she looked at me wrong. But because of what she was wearing. Tied around her head was a headband that looked sort of like a silk tie a hippie threw up all over. This isn't the bad part (at least in my eyes). It was tied around her head old-nerdy-fat-guy-trying-to-look-cool-at-the-gym-circa 1984 style. It looked ugly. And in my drunky stupor I had decided that someone, if not me, had to bring her attention to this horrid fashion DON'T. At one point, on my way back to my table from the bathroom I walked behind her. My hand reached up. I was actually going to pull the atrocity off her head for her. The wife pulled on my hand harder and sped me away. Damnit. So close, yet so far away.

I'm just over everything right now. Is it possible for me to get any more cynical? Why yes. Yes it is. I think a lot has to do with all these dreams *ahem* nightmares I keep having about the little ex-bf. Ugh, why can't exes just die when you're done with them, then they can't have a life after you. And you won't have to think about them ever again. Once again I ask, why is it the ones that you were too good for and were wrong for you are the ones that fuck you up the most?

Oh well, I'm doing new things. I'm in the process of finding a house. Yay to living on your own. Also trying to procure and keep some writing jobs. I'll see how that goes. Trying to get some supplies together to make and peddle my wares at some local shops/boutiques. We'll see where that takes me.

Everyday though is a little closer to the end of my tenure at school. Thank gawd. I'm so over it. Tomorrow we have resumes due. Fuck it. I'm so not in the mood to do it. My instructor PISSED me off today. I am currently in fiery passion hatred mode for her.

When I'm president of hell...and I know I'll get it because well, those of you who know me know also because I'm student body president and that helps...she is SO going to be the minion who wipes my asshole with her hand after I drop a deuce. And I don't mean with toilet paper. With her actual hand. And she can't wash it for eternity. Let's see her be a bitch to me now.

Miss Kitty Fantastico? More like Miss Kitty Bitchtastico. Take a few drinks. A couple of pills. Repeat.

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