Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Adventures in Whoreland

This week I'm bored of Craigslist. Maybe its because I've been too busy to actually peruse the online meat market. Or maybe its because there are the same ads from the same people every day. I've looked and looked and looked but all I see are ads that I've written about before, they're just worded differently.

I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm actually happy with my life, and have been for almost a month now has sizzled out my ability to blatantly, verbally attack complete strangers for their lifestyle choices. Maybe I should re-think this whole happiness schtick.

Meanwhile, I will sit here and work on my plan for world domination. Or better yet, my plan to become famous through MySpace popularity. I mean, if Tila Tequila can do it, why can't I? I'm not as trashy OR dumb. That was mean. Maybe the whole happiness should include being nice. Wait, who am I trying to fool, happy or not, I'm not nice. Meh, tomato, tomahtoe.

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