Saturday, April 28, 2007


Saturdays at school are busy. Real busy. Which is usually a good thing for me. Usually. And by usually a good thing for me, I mean I make a fairly good amount of tips. Not today. I was busy all day. I made $2. TWO DOLLARS. I know it's a school, but we don't make money off the 30 plus hours we're on the floor taking clients. We're actually paying to be there. A LOT of money to be there. Not to mention that the services there are actually pretty cheap for a school owned by a $100 minimum a haircut stylist. I guess it's not so much the no tipping on haircuts because I can now whip those out in no time at all. It's mainly the color services. I did a partial highlight this morning...not to mention it was corrective, trust me her hair looked like shit...and nothing. I spent two and a half hours fixing her crappy ass hair, using two different bleaches so that her hair wouldn't fry off, because she wanted it "more blonde". And if I do say so myself, it looked pretty bitchin'. And she LOVED it. I do a lot of corrective color, and I'm good at it. I don't even really need the instructors to help me anymore. And to not be tipped for it, well, that sucks a monkey's ass.

There are some people out there, believe it or not, who don't like me. Usually for something I had nothing to do with. If you don't like me, fine, you don't like me. I probably don't like you back, and even if I do, I could care less. I'm too old for that kind of shit and have more important things to worry about (read: my kids). So if you feel the need to talk shit, do it to my face and not hidden behind a computer using subtext in a blog. Because chances are, someone that likes me will read it and tell me about it. Just for the record, me writing about it here means nothing, it's just a rant. If I did something mean or shitty to you, then fine, talk shit. But when I did absolutely nothing to cause a shitty situation, well get over it. And that is pretty much all I'm going to say about that. Like I said before, I have more important things to worry raising my kids to be good people and not complete assholes...making sure they complete school to make something of themselves...keeping them well fed, well groomed and all around happy. Which they are, so pat on my back

I'm not a huge fan of people right now. Not that I am in general, but people as a whole generally piss me off. I know I'm not the most perfect person, but I know I'm not a complete shitbag like other inhabitants of this planet. Grrrrrr.

Just for the record, today's weather is moody with a 98% chance of drunkenness. Not to mention some fun with the wife and possible loving from the new guy. Although there is a possible chance that I've worn him out this week. I'm good like that.

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