Monday, September 17, 2007

I can't even think of a witty subject line

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Saturday I went into the shop for some jewelry for Ambular. I came out with very sore ears. Why sore, you ask?

Well, for a while, I'd been thinking of stretching my ears from 7/16 to a full inch. There's a way to do it quick, but painful. Being that I'm all about instant gratification, I chose to go the painful route.

As much as I love my newly stretched ears, it hurts like a motherf***er. I am currently laying in bed, not able to sleep due to excruciating pain, with a frozen Go-gurt behind each ear. I know that in a few days (read:weeks, but I'm sometimes an optimist) this will all be well worth it. As for right now, I'm hating life. I would like nothing more that to be able to sleep rith now. Here is the result of my pain though:

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Take A LOT of drinks. A ton of pills. Repeat.

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