Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The weirdness

In about an hour, I am attending my first meeting as "parent liaison" for the princess' class. I've never done anything like this before without my crutch, aka the sister. She's usually the one that got me into volunteering and what not, but this time it was the smiley face of the princess that convinced me. I'm under the impression she wants me to be like a "normal mom". What she doesn't get is that I'm not a "normal" mom, under "normal" circumstances. What she also doesn't get is that 99% of the mean mommies at her school don't like me. I'm younger than most of them, have visible tattoos and piercings, and don't wear elastic waisted pants with practical shoes. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating on the less than stylish wardrobes of most of the moms...I'm just sayin'. ::sigh:: Here I go on yet another boring adventure.

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