I love Halloween. It has always been one of my favorite holidays. Though lately, it hasn't been what it used to be. First off, when I was a kid, I took so much pride in making my own costumes. I never bought the mass-produced packaged sluts-in-a-bag. When I was in 5th grade, I went to school as a baby. Yes, I said it, a baby. At the time my sister was taking care of our 30 year old mentally retarded cousin. She wore depends. So I "borrowed" one for my costume. I really wish I had pictures though. I wore just the diaper, a t-shirt, my baby bonnet and a huge pacifier. It was pretty rad. Then when I go home I costume changed for trick or treating into a zombie cheerleader. Now-a-days, my kids only want the pre-packaged costumes which is disappointing.
What's a girl to do. Throw a party, of course. I used to throw the best kids Halloween parties. Last year though, due to my break-up, I didn't host one and it was a big disappointment to the kids. So this year, without a loser holding me back, I planned one. Half-heartedly, but planned nonetheless. I proclaimed to Kendra that Saturday what a nerd I was because I stayed home regardless of the invites out I got, to stamp Halloween images onto the goody bags. I ran around all day Saturday to get ready. I borrowed Kendras house, made the food (with the help of Kendra and Nila) and decorated. The kids had a blast. We bobbed for apples, had a costume contest and they ran around like little maniacs.
That Justin's a surly little one...just like his mama!

Did I mention I got a pinata?

The genius was pissed because, being the tallest kid, he was last in line for the pinata and didn't get a chance to hit it. Poor guy, he's such a gentle giant.

I think this was E-dawg's 15th apple bobbed. He was obsessed. "Aunt Mal, Aunt Mal! Take a picture of me again!"

Best Costume:

Most original costume

Coolest costume



Partied out

I'd say it was a good time had by all.
After the kids were partied out and went home, Kendra, Kristin and I got ready for our adult party. Although I was pretty partied out already. Kids sure do have a way of wearing you out. We had fun, drank too much...the usual. 
But it was a good enough weekend.
Now on actual Halloween night, now that was tiring. The ex and I went along with Kendra and Justin to trick-or-treat. I cannot wait until they're old enough to go by themselves. After the extensive walking, the ex and I took the kids to The Haunt. A local haunted house that's been around for 8 years. We waited in line for WAY too long. After about an hour in line, the genius and I wandered up to the front to check out the wares for sale. As we were walking, I heard a gaggle of oh's and whoa's when all of a sudden I felt something peg me hard on the back of the legs. At first I though it was a rock because, well, it stung that bad. Then I felt it. Wetness dripping down my hand. It was egg. I let out a string of profanities and looked at the genius. He had been hit too, but he was wearing shorts and the egg was running down his legs and into his shoes. I. Was. Pissed. These a-holes drove down the street throwing eggs at everyone, cars included, but of course, the genius and I were the only ones hit. Just my luck.
As much as I love this holiday, I'm glad it's over. All this build-up and then, bam, it's over. Just like that.