Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Web-dating Wednesday

So I have decided that Wednesdays will be a day of web-dating phenomena. Since I have a multitude of e-mails for my book and I still forage the "scene" for material, I thought I'd give you little snipets for sheer enjoyment. I know they make me laugh, so why not share the love. This week, I found what has to be my favorite ad posted on Craigslist. This is an actual ad posted. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. Enjoy:

Many women consider bimbos to be the worst of the female stereotypes; a giggling, vacant-eyed sexpot, who is obsessed with make-up and clothes and, of course, with men. Bimbos cater to men's sexual fantasies, usually at the expense of their own... or they allow the man's fantasies to become their own! Blonde hair, big tits and revealing clothes along with a slutty-but-dumb-and-helpless personality, the bimbo makes herself into a man-magnet, landing as many sexual partners as she can and eventually landing a husband - or better yet, a "sugar daddy"- to take care of her financial needs.

But do men really prefer bimbos? According to a recent study at the University of Michigan, the answer is YES. Men appear to prefer "less accomplished" women as possible mates - and women who are "relatively subordinate" to them.

Another study, from four British universities, found "that a high IQ is a hindrance for women wanting to get married while it is an asset for men." To quote this article:

" The study found that the likelihood of marriage increased by 35 percent for boys for each 16 point increase in IQ.

But for girls, there is a 40 percent drop for each 16 point rise, according to the survey by the universities of Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

The study is based on the IQs of 900 men and women between their 10th and 40th birthdays. "

So, in other words, the dumber a girl is, the better her chances at landing a man, something I already knew. But being a bimbo isn't just about finding a guy to marry. Consider these other wonderful bimbo benefits:

• Bimbos are happier than most people!

• Bimbos only concern themselves with things they enjoy (which usually boils down to MAKEUP, CLOTHES and SEX).

• Bimbos get to have sex. A LOT.

• Bimbos have fewer inhibitions, which leads to a more fun, adventurous lifestyle!

If some or all of these things sound appealing to you, congratulations! You just may have what it takes to be MY bimbo!

But at this point, you may be saying to yourself "Oh no! I'm a smart, accomplished career woman! Is it TOO LATE for me?!?" Don't worry honey, I am here for you! Stick with me, and we'll have you turned into a dumb, blonde, giggling bimbo slut in no time! It may take a lot of work, or just a new attitude, but you CAN tap your inner bimbo!

and Remember "FAKE TITS ROCK!"

Boy, if these statistics are true, then I know I'm screwed. Too bad I don't feel the need to dumb myself down for men. I just don't think its worth it. Although I do know, from interviewing a lot of different people that guys ARE less intimidated by not-so-sharp women. One guy told a friend that the reason he doesn't date women like me, for example, is because "she seems too cool and really smart. That would make me feel dumb."...who knew that men were so insecure. Oh wait, from my experience with dating, or lack there of, I've KNOWN that men were that insecure. Hello, only the insecure ones break up with you through e-mail. I'm pretty sure that the ex-husband is one of the few men I know who is NOT so insecure and intimidated by smart women. Not that I'm a genius (read: damn close) but we did practcally grow up together.

Well, this ad made me laugh, and I hope it makes you laugh as well. It's really the simple things in life that I find amusing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That ad is fucking hilarious! I can't believe someone would post something so lame on a dating site.

Then again, at least it can serve as a warning to intelligent girls like you to avoid guys like that! I mean, "fake tits rock?"

It's pretty sad, actually.