Today was the kids' first day of school. The princess' first day of ALL DAY school. As per usual, I cried. But only a little. I started to tear up while I was watching the princess glance nervously around her new classroom, but the sister suddenly appeared next to me and started talking, so that put me at ease a little...just a little. I had, however, put a little note in the princess' lunch box today telling her to have a good day and that I love which she responded at the end of the day, "Thanks for embarassing me in front of my new friends MOM." She said it with such an attitude, I'm pretty sure I just got a glimpse of the future. Scary<p>Tomorrow is the first day of my last term at school. Yay for me. I'm technically only supposed to have two more months left, but with some of my absences and lates I've added on an extra couple of weeks. Now the pressures on. The whole point of this last term is to prepare for the state board. I'm nervous as hell. I also need to start scoping out salons. Since I don't want to assist, I have to find a rental or commission salon. I also need to start on my portfolio. Here's a crappy before and after preview...p.s. I need a camera for this kind of shit

You may not be able to tell here, but her hair is totally damaged, yellow bleached blonde hair. Horrid. Not to mention her mom was a pain in the ass and only left me a three dollar tip, but that's a whole other story. Here's her after I worked my magic.

It's not much, but it's a start. When I get my student loan money in, among other things, I plan on getting myself a digital camera so that I can take more before and after pics. I get a lot of makeover clients. I also want to have some 'models' (read: my friends, family and whoever wants) come to me so that I may take some cool fashion type photos. I want my portfolio to be somewhat nice.
I'm rambling now. It may be because I'm still awake at one a.m. even though I have to be up at 6:30. C'est la vie. My life as an insomniac.
I dyed my hair black the dumbest thing I´ve ever done
I got highlights to get it out but it was worst I look pretty old cuz i have lighlights in black hair
they look like white hair
I thinking about bleaching it(ALL)
but I´m so afraid of this!
will this damaged my hair?
can you please explain me how this process is!!
I definitly don´t want any orange colour or yellow i mean like a chiken!
what should i do?
by the way you are amazing
you totaly fixed her hair!
please help me!
this is my e-mail
please i really need your help!
The change is fantastic. I'm all too familiar with the brassy, fried elastics that shouldn't even have survived all their ordeals .. but now it's shoulder-length, platinum in the front and beige in the back (I'm growing it out, and it's still got some salt & pepper so the bleach golded it some, tho' it looks fine) ..
I love looking at b4 & afters.
Your photography potential is good too.
Thanks for the pix!
I dyed my hair black also, so i used ColourB4 by Scott Cornwall, cheap only about a tenner, it strips the dyed colour from the natural one, it doesnt have any peroxide or amonia in it so my hair was in amazing condition, ive dyed my hair every couple of months for about 3 years now and it was black for about 5 months, the colourb4 managed to get it down to a light brown, and from there i bleached it 3 times over the course of two days, and my hair is still soft and shiny, no magic tricks, just really well conditioned after the bleaching process :) Good Luck !
hey there, i also have a hair problem! i am trying to get my hair icy white and i can't manage to do that, i have 2 problems, first, not matter what dye i put in my hair it's getting darker after 2 or 3 weeks, that is what happened even after i bleached it. what should i do? second, i had highlights and now they felt because they were too hair looks horrible, i could send you a picture to see, how horrible my hair color and hair length is.
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