Saturday, September 15, 2007

Boredom town; Population: Me

This has been the longest week in the longest of weeks in history. I actually thought it has been two weeks since the termination, but in fact, it has been exactly 1 week and 2 days. That's right, not even a whole week and a half. This realization just hit me about an hour ago.

I mean, I knew that my days seemed longer and more drawn out, but this is ricockulous. I feel as though I'm stuck in the twilight zone or the outer limits and I'm just going to be stuck in this week with the never ending days for eternity. Not to mention the boredom. I am bored beyond belief. I have DirecTv with, like, 400 channels, and...nothing. A new computer and...nothing. I can't even think of what to write in this blahg today. My mind has gone vapid.

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Shot by Mal Vicious at 2007-09-15

See? Vapid. Take A LOT of drinks. A ton of pills. Repeat.

1 comment:

Nanners said...

You're one of like 2 other people I've heard use Ridcockulous. Where did you get that from? I can't remember where I picked it up!