Sunday, September 23, 2007

Muse to my ears

I think I'm suffering through another case of 'writers block'. It's frustrating. I couldn't even think of a witty subject line. Merely a cheesy one. I've decided its time to clean house though. That might help. My room has been the recent area to a war devastation, so to speak. The war of my clothes, hair products and shoes. I have a really bad habit of, while deciding what to wear for that day or night, throwing unappealing outfits onto the floor, instead of back in the closet. Oy, and the closet, well that's a small nation on its own. I have clothes that I haven't even worn in years. I tend to hold onto things in the hopes of using it again. It never actually happens though. As for the hair products, since the termination I've been doing hair out of my house, but I have absolutely no where to keep my growing collection of hair colors and combs and shears, oh my.

Take some deep breaths. Meditate. Clean room, clean mind, clean soul.

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