Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Random randomness

First order of randomness: I don't know why, but I've been thinking about an ex a lot lately. Not THEE ex (read: my baby's daddy), but the mistake ex. Why is it that the ones you know you're better off without are the ones that fuck you up the most? I know, KNEW, deep down that I deserve better, and he deserved his kind, but still, as I'm driving down the road singing along to Patsy Cline, I find myself getting a little sad. Maybe that's my problem. I've been listening to too much Patsy. That's it, I'm changing cd's. Maybe that will take care of that problem. I sure hope so. Because these feelings of inadequacy for being dumped by a w.t. rep isn't good for my soul. Patsy, you're out, Pixies, you're back in.

School, school, school. I am consumed. And right now, I'm behind. In my book work that is. So what am I doing about it? Blahging. Currently we're learning about anatomy and physiology. Last I checked, I was in beauty school, not med school. Skeletal system projects. 27 pages of detailed notes. Extremely hard tests. Smack my bottom and call me Dr. Kitty Fantastico. No more miss.

On more school news, I know I've said it before, but being the student body president is hard...and a little stressful. Everyone comes to me with their "suggestions" (even though there is a suggestion box) about this or that, and frankly, contrary to popular belief, I'm a softy. It's VERY hard for me to say no to someone. I just want to make everyone happy. Trust me, that school of thought has gotten me into more trouble than it's sometimes worth. ATTENTION STUDENTS: Mal is a pushover. Don't get me wrong, if the situation calls for it, I can gather my balls up off the floor and take control, but in general, I aim to please. Just ask my retainers. Though honestly, I probably wouldn't trade it for anything.

In other news, I have reached new heights in my hair coloring abilities. I'm really pleased with myself and will, on the reception of my financial aid leftovers, be buying myself a fancy new camera so that I may take before and after pictures of my clients for my portfolio. I'm fortunate enough to get the type of clients who pretty much let me do what I want with their hair, so I need to take advantage of the experience. Sometimes they'll have certain colors in mind, but as far as the end result, no exact clarity. So that's where I come in. For me, it's like painting. I love cutting too, but color's where it's at. At least that's how I've built my clientele. I even have stolen clients from the school. Clients that have been going to that school for years, are willing to follow me to whichever salon I choose. Big pat on the back for me.

That seems to be it...for now. And by for now, I mean, that I can remember. I now leave you with these words of wisdom: live and let live...at least where I'm concerned.

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