Monday, June 12, 2006

Misconceptions are an ex's best friend

Last night I had a long conversation with the ex. And not to go into too much detail, but the gist of it was that I am fake, I only want people to like me and I want to be loved by all and that I am ridiculous (as far as my 'about me' on myspace goes. But all that, while it upset me last night and sent me into a crying tizzy, I'm fine with that opinion of me. I know who I am...ok, maybe not EXACTLY who I am, but for the most part. I believe this thought process on his part to be the fact that I am not of similar moral, political or style standing as him. And that's fine. We don't have to be alike. So I will just blame the whole crying tizzy on the fact that I'd had a rough day, what with having to talk with the cousins about my uncle's comfort and well being in his last days (though we don't know for sure how many days exactly that will be). So I was already upset. Not to mention the fact that my boobs hurt like no other, and we all know what that means...THE CURSE is soon to arrive. THE CURSE that makes me cry at slim jim commercials...or any commercials for that matter. So yes, let's say it wasn't the convo with the ex, but a snowball of emotional baggaged that rolled down the hill.

Now with that said, onto more important, less taxing subjects. Um, *ahem*, this is kind of embarassing...cause with that said, I don't think I really have anything to talk about. I mean, according to the ex, the shit I write here is stupid and not valid...and here I am unable to validate my important thoughts to you, my loyal readers...all three of you. But seriously, if he even saw the amount of people that read my least on myspace cause here on the illustrious blogger, I can't tell how many hits I've gotten...he would be amazed. Because if what I have to say (apparently it's all made up) really is stupid and fake and not valid, then there are a whole fuck load of people that are just retarded for liking it (Disclaimer: I do not think you guys are retarded, that's the impression that I got from the pleasant convo of what he thinks of me and my blahg). The proof is in the cards, my friends.

Today, as I seached craigslist for a part-time job for a little moolah while I go to school, I ran across a position for freelance writers to review and interview bloggers! How bitchin' would that be?! So I HAD to send that post to Nila. I thought her and I would be perfect for us both. I mean, getting paid to not only READ blahgs, but interview the blahggers and write about it. There's only one word for that...RAD.

Well, it's time for me to fly the coup, so to speak. Works almost over (yes, I blahg at a problem with that? heh) and I have to pee and set the coffee timer for tomorrow. And they say the fun never ends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaron needs to get laid in a bad way. Seriously! And I thought Travis was critical. Aaron's such a cool dude, but when he gets on his soap box, Grrrrrr. All the bad stuff he says about you doesn't reflect well on him. He was married to you after all, and you are the mother of his children, so obviously he makes bad choices. He needs to do a little soul searching, and quit worrying about your soul, or lack there of. This is long cause his attitude is just pissing me off. I love him like a brother, but...Grrrrrr.