Today I noticed that one of my posts had a comment from izzymom, a "big-time" blahgger, and this made me happy. Why, you ask, would a comment from a more established blogger make you happy? Truthfully, I don't really know. I used to think Nila was silly for getting excited when this happened, but now I know the feeling. Of course, I commented on one of her posts first, but it's the fact that she took the time to come to my blahg and read a post, then comment on it. Seriously, I believe this makes me a little nerdy. But Nila and I have been sucked into this little world of blahgging...we've even talked about attending the blogger convention next year. In my humble opinion, that would be rad. We'd get to meet the illustrious women of whose lives we've learned so much about...all through the internet. I know, I already told you I was a nerd.
Speaking of being nerdy, Nila told me she thought the weasel is too cool for me. Too cool for ME! Though I am a self proclaimed nerd and do NOT act, as the ex likes to say, like a bad ass. If the occasion calls for it, I will, in fact, shine through, but I am first and formost a nerd, and I am the first to admit it. But, the weasel is NOT too cool for's just that nobody sees him around me when we're's like nerd city. Sidebar: I'll probably get grounded for posting that part about him being a nerd...maybe even banished to another country where I can't bust him out. Just so you know. So anyway, she thinks I'm goofy and says she never noticed it because the ex was goofier than me...real nice thing to say to your sister...I'm always saying what a MILF she is, and I get GOOFY! pshaw
I have about an hour and a half left of work...only to go home to put together a bunkbed and possibly have to move more stuff. Man, it never ends.
Just as an update on my uncle, he has been transported back to California. Back to his house, his garden, his life. Though it's hard to say how much longer that will be. Getting weaker by the day, I suspect there's not much time left. I was sad to see him go, but relieved at the same time. I know his kids missed him being home. And my mom and sis can take pride in the fact that we did make him feel as comfortable as possible and I think we made him pretty happy. Still, I was sad that I didn't get to say goodbye. They left early this morning as I was driving the kids to school, before it got too hot out, so I understand. But that may have been the last time I would get to see him.
It's probably time for me to not talk about that anymore...I can feel the tears burning to get out. I haven't cried much. I have to be strong for my mom. As much as it pains me to see her so sad and hurt, if I cry, she'll cry more, and I don't want that. But I pretty much feel like I'm going to explode any minute and flood the entire state of Arizona. Wouldn't that be something.
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