so a lot has been going on lately. some of it i've already talked about, some of it i haven't. i'm going to tell you a little bit about it...and if i'm being redundant and you've already heard this one, that's just too bad. first we'll start with the impending termination of my employment with catholic normally i wouldn't name my company on here for fear of termination...but i already quit, so what's the worst that could happen? anyway, i have exactly 32 business days left on the countdown. and i couldn't be more excited. i HATE this job like an anorexic hates food. though i get paid good, i'll be happy to finally leave here for good. and if anyone ever hears me say that i want to come back for ANY reason, smack me upside the head and tell me not to be retarded...unless of course they were offering to pay me $15 an hour...but that won't ever happen. i will have the month of july off from work...and i can not even wait. school starts on july 18 and that's rad...the only thing about that is the fact that part of my "uniform" is white bottoms...ya, uh, pffft, i don't wear white...i'm not one who likes to accentuate my huge ass by wearing white. skirts, pants, if. and not to mention the white t-shirt...i don't like wearing t-shirts either. but that i can handle a whole lot more than white "bottoms". ick. i guess i'll live is worth it to suffer in white for just under a year to get my career in gear...heh, that rhymed, i'm a poet and didn't even know it...ok, i'm done with my little brain detour.
next on my agenda...moving. yes, i've said, i don't know how many times, that i was NOT, no way in hell, moving again! so here i go...into a new house at the end of this month. the bitchin thing about the house though is that the kiddos will have their own rooms again. and my room? is ginormous. the house has an old vintage-y feel to it and i love it. but i don't like the whole moving thing. i'll have to start packing up my shit, and that sucks.
there's still the issue with my uncle...who is still sick and not getting better, but it seems, not getting worse. my rabbit died. yup, i had a rabbit named thumper and he died on friday...just call me mal the animal poison. speaking of which, my madre thought it good idea to get new dogs. so i have two cute little shitzu's at home now...go figure. one of which is totally in love with my weasel. and she gets jealous when he pays attention to me and not to her. it's endearing. and speaking of the weasel...he's pretty much amazing. i believe that is all i have to say for now. my mind has been in super over drive and i don't know which way to go...but i'm happy, so i guess that's all that matters. until next time my lovelies. stay horrorific.
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