I'm not officially settled into my new apartment. There are still boxes everywhere since it is near to impossible to get anything done with the kids attached to my hip 24/7. I can't wait until school starts again. But I digress. My independance is going well and I've had my first houseguest this week. A friend from Boston has been visiting this week. It's fun. I like playing Suzy Homemaker.
The only drawback to this whole living on my own thing is the fact that I can't go out whenever I like as I did before when I had a live-in babysitter. Otherwise known as Nana. It definitely doesn't make it easier that I am since pelted with requests to go out by numerous friends, and when dejected, requests of "Just make Aaron watch them!" But, I'm a mean mommy and a firm believer in a strict schedule (believe it or not) so I don't much like switching out days with the ex so I can go drink. Change is so hard on the munchkins as it is.
Speaking of munchkins, my oldest is no longer one. A munchkin, that is. Well, I guess he bi-passed munchkiness (i just want to see how many times i can't write "munchkin" in one blog) when he shot up to almost my height. Now though, it's official. He just turned 11. I know I always talk about how it weirds me out that I have kids, but the older they get, the more weirded out I get. 11! This coming school year he will be in the 6th grade, which means I have to start looking at junior high schools because I want to keep them in a montessori type of education. Irregardless though of which school he goes to, I will have a junior higher when I'm 30. Still weird.
It was also my brother-in-law's, my sisters and the ex's birthdays, all in a row. July gets very expensive. And now, a fifth will be added to that list of special days. My sister will be induced and her baby will be born on Tuesday the 8th. Damn Cancers. I'm surrounded by them. Even my dad's a Cancer. But I guess I love those crabby little bastards all the same.
I think that's it as far as anything new going on. I haven't been able to expose myself on the net lately as I cannot find a wifi connection in my apartment, but i'm used to it now, surprisingly enough. Now I continue my adventures in Awesomeland.
Thia Mal, have your brother-in-law (Travis) call me at my home #, not work ! Maybe I can talk to him before he goes back to work. Sorry to drop in unannounced like this but I lost his # and the knucklehead keeps leaving messages on my work #. Nila doesn't keep up with her blog anymore either so I found yours by chance !!
Thanks and Later,
Chris (Trav's knucklehead buddy from Illinois)
Dangit ! I knew I spelled that one wrong !! Sorry Tia Mal ! I should have checked the I Love Words link sooner. Love your blog btw.
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