Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Judgey wudgey was a bear

What really cracks me up (and by cracks me up i mean annoys me) is when people have a certain perception of me. Usually that perception is that I'm this real tough, mean, crazy freak in bed. The truth is, I am far from crazy, I'm probably nicer than you and while I'm great in the sack, I am no where near "freaky". I guess I just look the part.

Which is funny since last time I checked my tattoos and assorted accoutrements were not acquired with the hopes of impressing someone or rebelling against something or proving anything. Besides "did that hurt", "is it/are they real" and "do you know you'll have those when you're old", one of the most asked questions is, "How long have you had those/that?" Why? Why do you, a complete stranger want to know how long I've had my assorted piercings. I just don't get it. Although my favorite one is the "do you know you'll have those when you're old" because I mean, really, I didn't know that and you telling me has completely opened my eyes. Thank you so much for enlightening me.

But I digress, I am not writing to rant. My point is that it amazes me how someone won't even know me in person, just through the world of myspace, and they know me...they know I'm "crazy"...or that I'm a beautiful person on the inside. Maybe its the pms in me talking, but after a while, that kind of shit does really get to me. You know, especially around this time of the month when I'm feeling sorry for myself. It happens.

So being judged by my outward appearance is sometimes not fun. Like poop.


Anonymous said...

I am also a tattooed female and I LOVE your blog! When people tell me that I'll regret it when I'm old I just tell them that they'll be dead by then. Works every time.

Malice said...

That's a good one! haha I need to use that next time for sure. Thanx!