Regarding driving:
1. It's okay to drive the speed limit.
2. When the light turns green, you're supposed to apply pressure to the gas peddle with your right foot. You are not going to receive an invitation nor is it going to get any greener.
3. If you're going to cut someone off, maybe gas it so that I don't have to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting you because you're going a staggering 10 mph.
4. The whole state of AZ is not a school there's no need to drive 15 mph everywhere. If you're old you probably shouldn't be driving.
5. Peeling out and making your tires squeal does not, I repeat, does not make you cool.
6. Honking your horn does not make cars go any faster.
7. Pedestrians should use a crosswalk...if I hit you with my car when you're not in a crosswalk, it's not my fault. Be afraid, be very afraid.
8. Super bright lights in your monster bro truck are just annoyingly blinding. Are you trying to compensate for something?
9. If you're getting on the freeway, try speeding it up a little. 20 mph is just going to get you smashed.
10. If you want to ride my ass so bad buy me dinner first, then get me real drunk.
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