The tattoo artist says as he tattoos the first star on my face. "Are you sure you want a tattoo on your face? You won't be able to get a job."
"Well, it's a good thing I'm a hair stylist and work in a tattoo shop..."<p>
<p>It's a big step, I know. I've been thinking about it for quite some time now. And no, I didn't get the idea from Kat Von D. Though I will say this, she did inspire the 'constellation' on my face. Originally, I wanted one or two stars right where my eyebrow ends...but about a week and a half to two weeks ago I happened to catch an episode of Miami Ink on...I normally don't watch reality t.v. simply because it pisses me off, but there was nothing else on and I was bored. So I was watching when the famed Kat rolled onto screen. Up until this point, I'd had absolutely no idea who she was. As I disinterestingly watched the show, I noticed she had something on her face. A gaggle of faded, multi-sized stars on her face. I'd decided that in this case, less was not more, and I called a friend. Next thing I know, I've got a bitchin' tattoo on my pretty little face.
The ex freaked. Of course, he doesn't even really like the other tats I have. The kids love it though. As far as my mom, I thought she's freak. She freaked everytime I got a new one. "How come you just got ANOTHER tattoo and I'm still waiting to get my second?", was her response. Oh mom. Most everyone else thinks I'm crazy. Including the artist at my work who has 'SICK FUCK' tattooed on his knuckles. Heh.
Really all that matters though is that I. Fucking. Love. It. Really, I do. What makes me laugh though is that a couple nights before I got it, a Wal-Mart cashier told me that tattoos were permanent. Wow, it's a good thing he told me, or I would never have known. Hallelujah, he saved me. Or, how about he made me THAT much more excited about my decision to tat up my face. Yeah, I'm hardcore like that.
On a different note, I finally got a little closure regarding my retarded breakup with that weasel. This will mos def be the last you'll hear from me on the topic. Interesting how someone you never met can put you at ease about something that was so irritatingly stupid just by confirming your suspicions. *Deep Breath* My hands are now officially washed of that little "life experience".
Time to go to bed. As per usual, I can't sleep. But I'm going to try real hard. Though before I do, I'll leave you with this: be bold, be real.