But I digress. My schedule has thrown me into a state of constant weariness. I love my work, however, after even just 3 hours in a row on my feet, my body pretty much hates me and trys to betray me by sending shooting pains through my hips and back and my puppies start barking like a dog to a mailman. And school? I enjoy it immensely. It's fun, interesting and challenging, which is right up my alley, though it does take away from one of my days off, but surprisingly enough, I don't feel as tired as I do after a day at work.
While I'm not at work, I still have sarcastic, rebellious children to contend with and a boyfriend who would like me to actually put my clothes away...who does that? Oh, everybody? Well, I like to think of myself as different. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Putting my clothes away is a tedious extra chore which I would like to avoid like the plague. A chore which I do succesfully avoid like the plague. I don't want to spend my one day off doing something boring. I'd rather lay on the couch and watch endless hours of Law & Order: SVU, thanks to Netflix.
On top of all that, it is currently wedding season. So that keeps me busy making veils and other such hair baubles for one of the most important days in a woman's life. This however, I do not hate. I really love the process of sewing and beading and playing with feathers, oh my! If I could get paid, and get paid well, just to do that? I would. In a heartbeat! But alas, this is not my life. I cut and color and perm and will hopefully some day real soon will assist dentists drilling away in people's dirty, dirty mouths. It's a lot of fun! But hard and scary all at the same time. Making veils and hair baubles is relaxing for me. Plus I get to sit on my couch and watch copious amounts of Hoarding and Law & Order:SVU while dilligently applying crystals to Russian tulle. Can you tell I'm obsessed with Law & Order just a bit?
Pregnancy aside, I'm pretty sure I'd be able to handle all of this were I able to still work out and drink lots of coffee as was done pre bun being placed in my oven. I don't work out because my body seems to not want to cooperate and keep me in a constant state of pain. I am of the belief this little guy is going to be a genius as well as rambunctious. Genius? I'm surprised I remember my name. I believe he is taking all my smarts. So I'm tired and dumb. So what, right? It'll all be worth it in the end, and this kid better be an Einstein or else.
That is my life as of late. I don't see my friends as often as I'd like, if ever because when I'm not at school or work, I like to sit on my growing ass and stare at the tv with drool dripping down my chin. Ah well, love it or hate it, it's mine, all mine and I am making it work, even if I am half asleep through most of it.