So today, out of sheer boredom, I posted an ad on Craigslist. Yes, I know the last time i did that the results were a catastrophe what with that one ex-boyfriend, but this time it's different. For one, I used short sentences, small words and was blunt. Oh yeah, and I posted my picture. Which I have never done before. And before you go check it out for yourself, it has already been flagged for removal...but not before I received about 98 responses. I'm pretty sure it got flagged because I maybe didn't respond back to someone and they got pissed. Whatever. I'm real surprised though, because in addition to the weird ones, funny ones and the cock pics, I got some pretty cool dudes. Though that really remains to be seen. Let's face it, internet dating, as some of you may know, is like visiting a glory hole. You never know what you're going to get. Not that I've ever been to a glory hole.
So I took the plunge and placed the ad and have e-mailed back and forth the most interesting, less scary responses. After all, a writer (I use the term writer loosely) needs to write about what they know. And if something good comes from it, whether it be a relationship and/or some even more interesting stories for Adventures in Whoreland, so be it. I'm pretty much down for anything and I did plan to be more adventurous and more fearless for this new year.
Life is too short to not live it to the fullest. Bang. Let the games begin.