A few things to catch you up on my comings and goings. It's been a while since I've written anything, but I've been fostering a busy schedule of sleeping all day and working all night followed by drinking a lot. I know, how DO I find the time to be so fabulous. I don't know how I do it.
However though, my luxurious (read: boring) life has come to an end. At least for the next couple of months. I started back at school again. Today was my first day back. It was pretty exciting (read: excruciatingly boring). I started at probably the worst possible time. Right before the holidays is really slow. Until the week before Christmas. Then slow again. Not to mention that "winter break" is coming up for the kiddos and the sister is in no condition (read: gestation-ally challenged) to baby-sit my saints for two to three whole weeks. We'll see how that goes.
In other, less interesting news, I've added more to my accouterments. I pierced both of my nostrils. And I love it. Also, my hair is black now, too...again.

Yeah, I know, I can't make up my mind. Maybe some day, but then I wouldn't be the epitome of eccentricity. I'm pretty sure that's all for now. I've had a long day, you know, being that I didn't get to sleep all day. My mind doesn't really know what's going on. Dementia isn't the right disorder, but its the first that comes to mind.